Missing Arrow LLC. provides consulting to small businesses and non-profit organizations around Digital Marketing (website and Social Media), Email Marketing, Customer/Client Engagement, Fundraising, Donor Management and Business Management.
* If you are interested in consulting for a Youth Camp, please visit our sister site, Youth Camp Consulting.
Website & Social Media Audits
Coming Soon!
On-Site Consulting
With on-site consulting we will come to your business/organization. To start we will have a phone call or video conference in order to understand the goal of our work and seek to understand the parameters. After this call we will put together a proposal that will include the quantity and frequency of on-site visits. Our staff will come prepared to all on-site sessions in order to make them the most productive.
If you are interested in on-site consulting, please contact us.
Remote Consulting
While we prefer to meet face-to-face to learn about your organization we understand that distance and finances will sometimes prevent that from occurring. With remote consulting we will meet over a video conferencing option of your choice.
If you are interested in remote consulting, please contact us.